
Showing posts from December 25, 2019


Meditation is such a word that everyone knows, but few people do.But you people don't know much about what meditation can do. POWER OF MEDITATION  You do not know that you can completely reverse your life with meditation .It can change your life. Meditation can become a tool to achieve subconscious mind.The connection between your concious mind and Subconsious mind makes the mediation even stronger. So that you can manipulate the reality as you like.Many studies have been done on meditation over the last several decades, and those same studies have shown that every part of your life is affected a Meditation . Meditation changes your brain not only psychologically, but also physically Meaning it changes the size of your brain,Yes it is amazing to hear but this effect of meditation is scientifically proofed. Harvard University In 2011 , an experiment was done at Harvard University and it was found out from that experiment, Just 8 weeks meditation causes your b...

How harmful is TOBACCO to our body

How Deadly Is Tobacco For Human Being Tobacco is a big problem of today's date, thousands of people have gone to death after eating this tobacco and are on the verge of leaving.