Meditation is such a word that everyone knows, but few people do.But you people don't know much about what meditation can do.
You do not know that you can completely reverse your life with meditation.It can change your life. Meditation can become a tool to achieve subconscious mind.The connection between your concious mind and Subconsious mind makes the mediation even stronger. So that you can manipulate the reality as you like.Many studies have been done on meditation over the last several decades, and those same studies have shown that every part of your life is affected a Meditation .Meditation changes your brain not only psychologically, but also physically Meaning it changes the size of your brain,Yes it is amazing to hear but this effect of meditation is scientifically proofed.
Harvard University |
In 2011, an experiment was done at Harvard University and it was found out from that experiment, Just 8 weeks meditation causes your brain size to change physically.And the bad part of your brain is that meditation makes it smaller.And which is the good part like your confidant and which is associated with your positive things, increases the size of those parts.
How to improve learning??
Your brain's left hemisphere which is for learning ability means if this part of your brain is healthy, then you can understand anything.If you feel that you have trouble understanding things,So you start meditation and just your power of understanding will completely return.Meditation affects the PCC (posterior cingulate cortex) of your brain.This part of the brain empowers your thoughts, Meaning there are always thoughts running directly in your mind which are of no use and you are not able to control them even if you want to, then you must do meditation. Because if the power to control thoughts increases, then the same things will remain in your mind. This will greatly increase your focus and concentration, and you will be able to do every work in an efficient manner.The part called YPJ(Tempo-Peretral Junction) controls your emotions and feelings, it is responsive to your kindness.
Why is the man selfish??
You must have noticed that in today's run-of-the-mill life We have become like a zombie, meaning that there should not be as much mercy and love in us. And so people become selfish, and then think about themselves. You will definitely be among those who think that "Dude I am not so kind. But maybe there is a lack of feeling in me. In my childhood, the life as we lived Enthusiastic Type is no more". So all this happens because of the running of our lives.So if you want Enthusiasm with the same children, then you must do meditation.Because it strengthens your TPJ ( Temporo-Parallel Junction).
Why are we more afraid??
Just as meditation increases the good parts of your brain, it also works on your bad parts.For example, there is a part called 'Amygdala' in your brain which is responsive to your inner fear, anxiety and stress.If you do meditation, then due to them, meditation reduces the cell volume of your amygdala Due to which the stress, anxiety and fear are very less from inside you. It removes the emotions after inside you.
If you do meditate for a few weeks, then you feel a strange super power 'not going to fly',like increase confidence, fearlessness, attraction to opposite gender etc-etc.
Simple tricks to increase weight loss
Along with these benefits of mind, meditation also ends some of the biggest problems in your life.
For example,
If you are the perfect one of the people, then that is fine. But maybe some of you may be over weight or under weight.If you are over weight, then I am sure that you would search on the internet that "How to lose weight" So, I tell you the easiest way and that is 'Meditation'.Meditation increases your metabolism and helps you achieve perfect weight.On the contrary, if your weight is low, then you should do meditation because if your weight will be less So it reduces your metabolism and due to this you can become normal weighted.
How to reduce stress??
Meditation greatly reduces stress, anxiety and fear. Stress actuallly not bad, if there is a little stress for your life, then it keeps you active. But in today's world, people live stressful lives. And this is a proof fact,Stress is the cause of body sickness. If you do meditation for even 5 minutes in a day, neither reduces the stress by at least 70-80%. Many people use artificial things to end stress.If the bus can end the stress for 5 minutes of meditation, then spend money in artificial methods.
How to quit bad habits??
Meditation also helps you get rid of bad habits. There is a part of the brain which we call DPC (Dorsolateral Frontal Contex).It is responsive to your will power, in many studies it has been found that meditation increases your will power.
Blood effects
Meditation improves your health along with those benefits.C-reactive protein present in your blood which is related to heart disease.It reduces her meditation. If someone in your family is suffering from high blood pressure or hyper tension, you should treat them as a medicine,Because only 2-3 months of meditation will improve their health as much as you cannot think.
Do not use cosmetic products
Slow aging is the biggest advantage in the list of health benefits.People do not know how many cosmetic products they use.But you should know that if you want a glow on your face, then you remove the artificial methods and do daily daily 10 minutes meditation.Meditation makes your mind more happy.You notice that whenever you go through a stressful situation, you don't like it,You feel irritable.But nowadays the world where everyone is living in stress, people have forgotten happiness. That's why people love watching comedy.
But do you know that if you do a daily bus for 10 minutes meditation then you will not need any kind of support to be happy.The basic nature of a human being is happy, but our stressful life changes our nature.Meditation simply helps bring that basic nature back.
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