Milk is the only thing that alone amounts to a complete diet. And this is the reason that the first food given to birth children is milk. Because if you look at the quality of milk well then it is not less than any nectar.


But if we use the good thing in the wrong way, then it is a loss rather than an advantage to us. Milk is an animal product that we get from living beings.And everything that we get from living beings has a very high tendency to do chemical reactions. Due to which the wrong amount and wrong use of milk can cause problems like.
  •  Gas
  •  Constipation
  •  Indigestion 
  •  Sour Belching 
  •  Chest Irritation and even Skin Allergies. 
        So the right time to drink, the right amount of milk And it is very important to be aware of the benefits of mixing milk with what things and what are the Disadvantages.

So in today's Article, we will know ↓↓↓

  • how much milk can be drunk in a day
  •  What Is the Right Time to Drink Milk
  •  When And How People Should Use Milk to Gain Weight and Lose Weight
  •  What Should The Milk Be Like (Hot Or Cold)
  •  Milk Should Be of Buffalo Or Cow
  •   Which People Should and Should Not Use Milk
  •  And what are the benefits and Disadvantages of Drinking Milk Mixed with Other Things.

Let's Talk about 

How much milk can be drunk in a day?

Milk Drinking

Let's start with how much milk can be drunk in a day? For that, first we have to know  what happens in milk and it benefits in which problem. Milk is rich in Nutrients. Therefore, using it properly and at the right time fixes the digestive process, In addition to increasing the

  • Strength of the Brain
  • Weight Gain
  • Bone Weakness
  • Constipation
 Along with benefiting from many problems like.
  • Sleeplessness at Nights
  •  the Skin also helps in Improving the 
  • Hair and Sexual Health.

Milk has the highest amount of Calcium, Protein and Vitamin D. 200ml of milk contains about 257mg Calcium.  And our body needs 1000 to 1200mg of Calcium in a day. So, according to this view, the intake of 1 glass of milk daily is enough. Because we get the rest of Calcium and Vitamin D from other food also. But if you work hard and more hard then a small amount of milk can be increased.

Is the Right Time to Drink Milk?


           By the way, milk can be used occasionally. But using milk at night proves to be the most beneficial. Because milk contains an AMINO ACID called TRYPTOPHAN, which helps in calming the mind and helps in getting good sleep.  And it also clears the stomach openly. Some people are confused on consuming milk on an empty stomach. By the way, milk can also be used in the morning on an empty stomach. But people who have allergies to Lactose and often have Constipation, Indigestion and Gas problems, then they should not use milk empty Stomach at all.

How should we drink milk?

Glass  Of  MILK

Friends, Milk should always be lukewarm, because Milk is a little heavy to digest. But when we drink Cold Milk or Milk kept in the Fridge, it becomes more heavy. And it does not digest properly by going into our stomach. Due to which our body does not get the full benefit of the Nutrients present in Milk.



We talk about Milk should be from cow or buffalo. Calcium is found in both of friends. But buffalo Milk has more FAT and CALORIES  than cow's Milk. Therefore, people who want to gain weight, they should use buffalo Milk. On the other hand, the amount of fat in cow's Milk is less. Therefore, it is also light in digestion. Milk is also very healthy from the point of view of health and strength. Therefore, people who want to lose weight should consume only cow's Milk.

With What and When should we Drink Milk and When Not ?


Like whether milk should be drunk with Banana, with Egg and  with Sugar or not. Friends, as I have already told that we get milk from living beings, therefore there is more amount of HORMONES, ENZYMES  and AMINO ACIDS  in it. Therefore, Chemical reaction is done quickly with most food. Due to which the milk is not digested well and the benefits from milk also become ZERO. Therefore, even the smallest mistake made by us in drinking milk can result in loss of benefits from milk.

1. First, we talk about how often we should not drink milk.

               After eating. It is often seen that people    drink milk immediately after having dinner. From the nutritional point of view, milk itself is equal to eating once in a while. And drink milk immediately after eating, that means eating
2 meals a day. Which makes one feel heavier. And at the same time problems like acidity, flatulence, and indigestion begin. Therefore, milk should be used after 2 hours of eating                                                                                               food and 0.30 hours before bedtime.

2. Citrus fruits. With junk food or snacks and spicy things.


           Friends Sour Fruits Lemon / Orange and more salty items like mixer pickle And milk doesn't mix at all with things like junk food. Because of which these things should be consumed with milk or after drinking milk. So after getting into our stomach, it slows down our digestive system so that Problems like indigestion, heaviness, gas, bloating, sour belching, weakness and abdominal pain begin. Therefore, do not consume sour fruits, salty and spicy things of milk or before.

3. Some people make banana or apple shake with milk. If you do not have digestive problems then it can be done with milk. But if Ayurveda is considered, then it is heavy in itself, due to which digestion takes about 90 minutes. And when we mix milk with some fruit, it becomes even more heavy. Which our digestive system has to work very hard to digest. And we make another mistake. We use cold milk to make the shake and along with it we mix sugar in it. Which is not the right option in any way. And cold milk makes milk even more heavy.  And by adding sugar to the milk, it destroys the nutritional value of the milk to a great extent. Milk itself contains natural sugar called lactose. Which makes milk sweeter. But if you want to sweeten milk separately, then you can use things like honey, sugar candy, country khand, jaggery powder.
There should be an interval of 2-3 hours between milk and food and 0.30 hours between milk and fruit.


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